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Educate. Empower. Encourage.


Broken but Healed (B.B.H.) is an organization dedicated to providing young females in the community an enriched program that will educate, encourage, and inspire them to be BOLD through outlets such as: peers, family, relationships, and the community. This organization will help, lead, and guide young females ages 7-17 to continue their education and overcome generation difficulties. 




“Thank you so much for helping change girls’ lives.”


“Thanks so much for your dedication. You are truly blessing Logan’s life. ”

“Thank yall for being part of our village.”


“...“thank you” for inviting the girls. I just wanted to let you know that they really enjoyed the Vision Board Party on Saturday. The boards that they brought back were excellent! They spoke very well of the event...Thank you so very much again for inviting the girls...”


About The Founder

Jasmine Stewart is a woman of God and wife first. Her purpose in life is to foster lasting relationships of love & integrity with girls and young women nationally and internationally by building them up through the teaching of self-worth and purity. Jasmine has been called to minister to women while pointing them to Christ and reminding them that He is their first true love.

Founder of Broken but Healed, an organization dedicated to enriching, educating, and inspiring young ladies to be exceptional women of God in their home, schools, and community. Founder, Jasmine challenges those around and connected to her to strive to live a life that is pleasing to Christ despite what this dark world may portray. Jasmine is passionate about giving, serving her husband, serving her community, spending time with family, shopping, reading, and traveling the world.

She enjoys reading, shopping, and giving back to her community. She and her husband, Devin and their 1 year old son, Dj currently reside in Boiling Springs, SC.


